Browsers & Devices on Which We Test
We support the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms based on the most common usage from stats accumulated in Google Analytics. We use programmatically to determine support and to determine usage based on strings we provide. This technically translates to the > ~0.03% in my stats, excluding IE11 and Opera Mini using not ie 11, not op_mini all.
Check out the README within the repository for the specifics of browsers we support. That being said, we do test on a larger set of browsers to ensure backwards-compatibility as well as more cutting edge browsers to see what future features we maybe able to utilize. Below is a general list of browsers we should be testing on:
Mobile devices
Generally speaking, we support the latest versions of each major platform’s default browsers. Note that proxy browsers (such as Opera Mini, Opera Mobile’s Turbo mode, UC Browser Mini, Amazon Silk) are not supported.
Device | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Android Browser & WebView | Microsoft Edge |
Android | Supported | Supported | N/A | Android v5.0+ supported | N/A |
iOS | Supported | Supported | Supported | N/A | N/A |
Windows 10 Mobile | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Supported |
Desktop browsers
Similarly, the latest versions of most desktop browsers are supported.
OS | Chrome | Firefox | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge | Opera | Safari |
Mac | Supported | Supported | N/A | N/A | Supported | Supported |
Windows | Supported | Supported | Not supported | Supported | Supported | Not supported |
Typically the configuration commonly used contains last 2 versions; the problem with that is now we’re supporting browsers like QQ and Baidu forever even though there isn’t more that 0.23% global market share. The configuration adopted here was originally taken from this article, and requires the browser has more than 0.3% market share globally as well as not IE11 (Edge and up only) nor any of Opera Mini.
IE / Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | iOS Safari |
last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 5 versions | last 2 versions | last 3 versions |
Alternative browsers which use the latest version of WebKit, Blink, or Gecko, whether directly or via the platform’s web view API, are not explicitly supported. However, it should (in most cases) display and function correctly in these browsers as well. More specific support information is provided below.
Note: Use browserslists website tool to test out and visualize which browsers are supported.
For Firefox, in addition to the latest normal stable release, we also support the latest Extended Support Release (ESR) version of Firefox.
Unofficially, it should look and behave well enough in Chromium and Chrome for Linux, Firefox for Linux, and Internet Explorer, though they are not officially supported.